Held on first day of Meeting, Oct. 14. Workshops are designed as a set of didactic talks on the given topics.
- Nucleons, nuclei and neutron stars in the era of gravitational waves [Talks available]
- Physics opportunities with EIC
- New data analysis methods [Talks available]
Invited Sessions
- Nuclear Probes of Fundamental Symmetries
- Understanding the Nuclear Interaction Across Scales
- Spin, Sea Quarks and Femtography
- Structure of Proton-Rich Nuclei
- Particles, Nuclei and Stars via Beta Decay
- Hydrodynamic Simulations of the QGP: Successes and Challenges
- Alternative Career Paths for a Nuclear Physicist
- Towards a US Electron Ion Collider: Physics, Accelerator, Detectors
- Quantitative Understanding of QGP Properties
- Search for the Critical Point
- Lattice QCD for PDFs
- Nuclear Physics and the r-Process in the Multi-Messenger Era
- Particle Emission from Exotic Nuclei
- Neutrino Properties and Interactions: Results, Challenges and Implications
- Electrodisintegration Constraints on Astrophysical Radiative Capture Rates
- Fundamental Symmetries: Experiment and Theory
- Excited State Lifetime Measurements for Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics
- Short Range Correlations and Bound Nucleon Structure Across Scales